submovements Documentation Status Updates

Our goal is to detect sub-movements from motion data.


This software works on a pipeline basis.


The input is a directory of trials which are saved as CSV files with the following file names: li_stimulus_side_block#_repetition#.csv

Other .csv files with a different name format are ignored.

Pre-processing (Preprocessor class)

  1. (x,y) coordinates as a function of time are extracted from every CSV file.
  2. Butterworth zero-phase of 4th order is applied on the (x,y) positions. Further filtering is possible by expanding the preprocessor class.
  3. d(x,y)/dt is calculated to yield velocities (Vx,Vy) as a function of time.
  4. To remove the duration where (Vx,Vy) are approximately zero we use thresholding on ||(Vx,Vy)||, such that the any data where ||(Vx,Vy)|| < threshold (0.001 by default) is removed, not including a 0.1s portion around the time where motion took place.
  5. The filtered velocity is saved under the Trial class for further processing.

For specific explanations on methods and attributes see commentary in submovements/

Trial processing (Trial class)

This class represents a single Trial for a given subject (labeled by its numeric id). For example, if the CSV files are saved under: :: data/results/sinmonvisual/12345/li_stimulus_side_block#_repetition#.csv The subject id is 12345

Additional attributes are: stimulus, block, repetition and data.

For specific explanations on methods and attributes see commentary in submovements/


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.